Specialized Treatment Facility in Montana Leverages Secure Texting to Connect with Patients and Staff
Carrie Scott
- October 26, 2023
The Eating Disorder Center of Montana (EDCMT) was founded in 2013 to meet a community and regional need for specialized treatment for food and body disorders. They offer comprehensive treatment through their in-person and virtual outpatient, intensive outpatient, and partial hospitalization/day treatment programs.
A bit about the business…
Nine years ago, EDCMT opened the first intensive outpatient program in southwest Montana to support a community need for more specialized and accessible eating disorder treatment. Eating disorders are very real, very tough mental illnesses to overcome. An intensive outpatient program (also known as IOP) is a higher level of specialized treatment that gives patients access to a therapist and dietitian and the support of individual and group therapy multiple days every week. Without local programs like these, it can be hard for patients to get the help they need and have a real chance at recovery.
They started as three determined women, in a few small downtown offices with the hope of ending the gaps in care. Since then they have grown into a team of 20+ people, with two locations. In 2017, they added a higher level of care, a partial hospitalization/day treatment program (also known as PHP), which is fully housed in a cozy, light-filled historic B&B. It’s the only day treatment option in the state, and it began for similar reasons as the intensive outpatient program—to provide patients with the right levels of care to fit their varying needs at the local and regional level.
What first brought you to Spruce?
We were searching for a HIPAA-compliant communication application.
How do you use Spruce at work?
EDCMT primarily uses Spruce for secure texting with team members and patients.
What is your favorite Spruce feature?
The practice loves the ability to have a private work app on their personal phones.
What do you like to do most when you’re not working?
When Jeni Gochin, CEO, Clinical Director & Founder is not working, she loves to travel and garden.
You can learn even more about EDCMT on Facebook at @EDCMT.
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