Pain control chiropractic clinic leverages Spruce as a vital part of their intake process

Meet Dr. Mark Loftis, a chiropractor that specializes in the management of spine related disorders.

Dr. Loftis attended Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Oklahoma where he studied exercise science. He holds bachelor of science (B.S.) degrees in health & human anatomy (dual) and a doctorate of chiropractic (D.C.) from Parker University in Dallas, Texas.

He is credentialed in the interpretation of spinal MRI by the University at Buffalo, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences and has been trained by the McKenzie Institute USA in the mechanical diagnosis and treatment of low back pain.

Dr. Loftis is an active member of the National Spine Management Group and American Chiropractic Association.

About the business
Drumright Neck & Back is a pain control clinic located in Drumright, OK that offers chiropractic, non-surgical spinal decompression, auto injury care, dry needling, onsite X-ray, and injection therapy such as ozone for the treatment of musculoskeletal pain. Dr. Mark Loftis is currently pursuing a fellowship in spinal biomechanics & trauma.

How long have you been doing it?
I have been in private practice since 2015. That said, as a chiropractor and direct contact health care provider, I have always had a special interest in the management of spine related disorders or “spine management”, and its developing role in healthcare systems in North America.

What first brought you to Spruce?
I was paying over $500 a month for a similar product, and it was not even close to the quality and functionality that Spruce offers. Spruce is affordable for my practice, and has exceeded all expectations.

How do you use Spruce at work?
It has become a vital part of our intake process…patients download the Spruce app and are auto-welcomed with instructions on how to become a new patient. If the phone goes unanswered for any reason, a text is immediately sent to the caller so they don’t feel ignored.

What is your favorite Spruce feature?
I have a VoIP cordless phone in the front and back office, and unlike other phones I’ve had, I can hear so much better with these phones. I could go on and on. I’m a lifetime customer…I’m so grateful for this product.

What do you like to do when you’re not working?
In my spare time I enjoy hunting, fishing, bible study, and spending as much time as possible with my family.

Learn even more about Drumright Neck & Back.

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