Discover How Texting Has Increased Efficiency For This Pediatric Practice

For Up North Pediatrics, leveraging a medical-grade communication platform like Spruce has been essential for a number of reasons. We had the chance to sit down with Dr. Amy Couturier to discuss how she uses Spruce and why it’s been revolutionary for her practice, notably creating:

  • High levels of retention and satisfaction due to heightened accessibility
  • Heightened productivity via easy and consistent communication with hundreds of patient families
  • Accurate communication exchange; texting reduces errors & ensures accurate follow-up
  • Faster patient onboarding
  • The ability to scale as the practice grows
  • Access to virtual diagnoses that spare unnecessary trips to the ER
  • Streamlined appointment setting and check-up reminders
  • Delineation between urgent and non-urgent communication
  • And more!

Download the paper to read on about this use case. 


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